12:30 moved finishes, the boy arrived at the refurbishing spot, as soon as toward far looked, seven glowing red names were guarding in the refurbishing spot, the boy tried to approach to the refurbishing spot. 80 yards, 60 yards, 50 yards, 40 yards, enter the WoW Gold firing distance, the boy knew that could not approach, this was opposite party DK rides the seahorse to run to the boy, the boy turned around to run, ran while is observing and the DK distance also has other tribe's action. One from now on, the boy will confirm only then DK to pursue in behind, under the boy the saddle horse will do decides DK, also will return to refurbishing and the tribes is maintaining the distance, will be waiting for, and has stared at the small map to look when that DK will come back.
This is two DZ arrives at the boy after death, gets rid to attack. The boy forced smile is approaching to the refurbishing spot, then death. The boy runs the corpse, reactivating, the death, each time leaves the refurbishing spot to Cheap WoW Gold approach. Compared to patience time arrived, boy's soul defends in refurbishing lights is talking to oneself. Crossed probably for two hours, tribes departure one after another, the boy has reactivated is waiting for.